Application of to Improve Assessment as Learning in Speaking Classes: An Action Research in Vietnam




Remote learning, Padlet, speaking, online learning quality


Hardly could 4.0 education processes exist without digital tools, which has, particularly, been proved worldwide throughout waves of the Covid-19 pandemic. Vietnam, where remote learning, instead of blended or traditional approaches, was carried out at almost all educational institutions as the last resort during this period, is not an exception. In order to support students in learning English efficiently and effectively, the research team conducted action research by applying in speaking lessons for 93 Business-majored students at a Vietnamese university in semester 1 of the academic year 2021-2022. A questionnaire, speaking assessment rubric, and class observations were designed to investigate the effectiveness of the interactive tool in class assessment as learning. The findings include students’ positive attitudes and perceptions towards the practice and some achievements. This paper is expected to enlighten teachers and stakeholders in the domain of education in general and those of languages in particular on the ways to utilize so as to improve their students’ online learning quality.

Author Biographies

Ta Thi Bich Lien, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

MA Lien Ta Thi Bich is a wholeheartedly dedicated teacher of English with more than 20 years of working full-time at Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam. She is interested in English teaching methodology, particularly she has a passion for critical thinking, learner’s autonomy and motivation.



Nguyen Thi Van Khanh, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

More than 20 years teaching experience at Hanoi University of Industry, with 10 years using English as the medium of instruction, MA Khanh Nguyen Thi Van is now teaching Translation and business English. She is specially interested in integrating 21st century skills in language classes for both English majors and non-majors, having some related articles published locally and internationally.


Nguyen Thi Huyen, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Huyen Nguyen Thi has been working as a full time teacher for over 10 years at Hanoi University of Industry, Vietnam. She has considerable expertise in teaching English and non-English majors, curriculum development and professional development. Her research interests include ELT methodology and Interpreting & Translation.


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How to Cite

Ta, T. B. L., Nguyen, T. V. K., & Nguyen, T. H. (2023). Application of to Improve Assessment as Learning in Speaking Classes: An Action Research in Vietnam. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(1), 1–17.



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