Utilizing Electronic Dictionaries: Voice from Vietnamese EFL Learners





Electronic dictionaries, Vietnamese EFL Learners, EDs, practices, perceptions


Vocabulary is a crucial part of effective communication. This aspect is closely related to dictionaries, the most popular type of which is electronic dictionaries (EDs). Different studies have taken a strong interest in exploring EDs and their role in language learning, but few have been done in the Vietnamese context. This study is going to examine Vietnamese English as a Foreign Language Learners' perceptions and practices of EDs, from which suggestions are made for their effective use. The research took place at a university in Vietnam, with the participation of 12 English majors. The study used a semi-structured interview to collect qualitative data with the utilization of thematic analysis. The results found that Vietnamese EFL learners use monolingual and bilingual electronic dictionaries very often, both inside and outside the classroom. The purposes for their use are also varied, two primary ones of which are checking meaning and practicing pronunciation. Moreover, it was found that they have a positive attitude towards EDs with different beneficial elements. They also addressed a few problems using EDs and made some recommendations for better use.

Author Biography

Le Quang Thao, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Le Quang Thao is currently a full-time English lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He has been teaching English for more than 10 years to English majors and non-English majors. His interest includes but is not limited to English language learning and teaching and language attitudes.


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How to Cite

Le, Q. T. (2023). Utilizing Electronic Dictionaries: Voice from Vietnamese EFL Learners. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(2), 18–36. https://doi.org/10.54855/acoj.231422

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