Utilizing Vocabulary Word Mapping as a Remediation Strategy in Improving Vocabulary Level among Grade 6 – Newton Students





vocabulary development, Filipino, vocabulary learning, vocabulary strategy, word mapping


In the framework of language development, the alignment of the curriculum to the learning domains funneled the essential contribution of vocabulary development in language learning for both Filipino and English in the Philippines. This study is a response to the intertwining problems regarding the vocabulary level of the learners and language learning, particularly in the Filipino subject. This quantitative study explored the effectiveness of utilizing the vocabulary word mapping strategy as a remediation strategy in improving learners’ vocabulary levels in the Filipino subject to thirty-eight (38) grade six students. The data revealed that the vocabulary word mapping strategy is effective based on the improvement of the learners’ scores from pretest to posttest. Furthermore, the study suggested that educational institutions should explore more vocabulary learning strategies that teachers may employ in their teaching that may lead to the opportunity for learners to strengthen their vocabulary skills in the Filipino language.

Author Biography

Rewel D. Villaganas, Western Mindanao State University, Philippines

Rewel D. Villaganas is an undergraduate student under the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) program of Western Mindanao State University – Molave Campus. His field of interest as a researcher focuses on education methods and pedagogies as well as educational policies.


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How to Cite

Villaganas, R. D. (2023). Utilizing Vocabulary Word Mapping as a Remediation Strategy in Improving Vocabulary Level among Grade 6 – Newton Students. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(2), 80–97. https://doi.org/10.54855/acoj.231426

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