Teaching and Learning Collocations in the Vietnamese Context: Teachers’ Voices





teaching collocations, Vietnamese learners, technological tools, collocation errors


This primary research focuses on teachers’ perceptions of the teaching and learning of collocations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in the context of Vietnam. The study involves four teachers currently teaching in different educational settings in Ho Chi Minh City. A purposeful sampling technique is adopted to select the participants. The findings from semi-interviews can shed light on how teachers teach collocations to EFL learners, whether they apply technological applications or web-based platforms in teaching collocations and assisting learners to acquire collocations, as well as possible causes for some of the learners' collocation errors. Teachers' sharing about the procedure of teaching collocations in different classroom settings, including public schools and private classes in either secondary level or universities, is provided. Moreover, challenges during the process of conducting such practices based on the teachers' perspectives are discussed. As a result, suggestions for teachers and learners can be made to facilitate Vietnamese EFL learners' acquisition of collocations, in many cases, with the assistance of technology.

Author Biography

Nguyen Hoang Xuan Chieu, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Vietnam

Nguyen Hoang Xuan Chieu obtained a B.A. degree in TESOL at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education. She is currently an M.A. student in TESOL at Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Now, she is teaching English at a public secondary school in Vietnam, and she is also an IELTS trainer. Her research interests mainly cover Teaching English Language Skills and Vocabulary, Technology in English Language Teaching, and Corpus Linguistics.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, H. X. C. (2024). Teaching and Learning Collocations in the Vietnamese Context: Teachers’ Voices. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 15(1), 71–89. https://doi.org/10.54855/acoj.241515

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