Investigating the Effects of Mass Media on Learning Listening Skills




listening problems, mass media, EFL learners, language learning


This research aims to investigate university students' problems and reasons and find solutions to the problems. The researcher utilized the questionnaire to investigate this kind of problem of 84 Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) sophomores from class 20AV01 and conducted paired samples T-test on one of the classes, which consisted of 22 participants in the experimental group within a month. The findings show that FFL sophomores- their listening ability, in general, was lower than expected since a considerable number of them could only understand simple and slow English utterances. The lack of vocabulary and pronunciation knowledge and in respect of speaker factors, "informal language", "fast and instant speech", and "the accents" from the speaker are the main causes of their failure to understand English utterances. The Paired-Samples T-test results revealed a significant difference between the pretest and post-test scores (r=0.529, p<0.001), and on average, the post-test scores were 14.3 points higher than the pretest scores. This finding suggests the importance of vocabulary and pronunciation in English listening and self-study through mass media should be taken into more concern.

Author Biographies

Vo Thi Hoa Canh, Finance and Marketing University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Vo Thi Hoa Canh, M.A., is a lecturer in English at the University of Finance and Marketing. She obtained her master’s degree in TESOL at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities. With the experience of 10 years working in the field of English language education, she has developed considerable interests in ELT methodology, the application of technology in second language education, and action research.

Cao Thi Mai Huong, Binh Duong University, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam

Cao Thi Mai Huong, M.A. is a lecturer in English at Binh Duong University, Binh Duong city. She received her master’s degree in TESOL at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Her research interests lie in ELT methodology and Second Language Acquisition. 


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How to Cite

Vo, T. H. C., & Cao, T. M. H. (2022). Investigating the Effects of Mass Media on Learning Listening Skills. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 13(5), 46–67.



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