Toys to Tools: A Glimpse into Mobile Phones in the EFL Classroom – A Case Study




mobile phones, digital immigrants, challenges, pleasures, philosophical issues


Mobile technologies, particularly cell phones and smartphones, are presented as an appealing opportunity to progress in the teaching-learning process, contributing to remarkable success while minimizing learning difficulties. This paper was based on the findings of a laborious research project including 71 students from three classes at the College of Foreign Economic Relations (COFER) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A comprehensive survey, a face-to-face interview, and careful observation with a student focus group were used to conduct the extensive investigation. The findings revealed a generally positive attitude toward this technology, which meets the needs and preferences of the students. The study has three distinct goals: (1) to thoroughly investigate some of the new challenges and deep joys associated with cell phones in EFL classrooms; (2) to fully consider both the practical and more fundamental philosophical issues at hand. Finally, a thorough discussion (3) provides a plausible explanation for the unexpected results as well as broad directions for future research.

Author Biography

Phan Thi Anh Nga, Vietnam Aviation Academy, Vietnam

Phan Thi Anh Nga, a peripatetic teacher, prolific writer, and good speaker, empower educators to think outside the box and critically examine their established practices by asking, "What is best for my students?" For over fifteen years, she has been inspiring researchers and teachers of all levels with the enormous power and real joy of the teaching and learning process. Phan began her career as a university-level teacher at the Hue University of Foreign Languages from 2005-2017. Now a classroom teacher at the Vietnam Aviation Academy - HCM city, Vietnam. She has taught students of all mixed language backgrounds and abilities. Her many interests include Professional Development, English for Specific Purposes, and Technology in Teaching and Learning English and all of which require genuinely creative thinking.



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How to Cite

Phan, T. A. N. (2023). Toys to Tools: A Glimpse into Mobile Phones in the EFL Classroom – A Case Study. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(1), 85–104.



Research Article