Exploring English Vocabulary Learning of Vietnamese Secondary School Students with VoiceGPT Assistance





AI-assistant tool, vocabulary learning, secondary school students, personal experience, perceptions


With the advent of AI chatbots, many teachers’ teaching practices of English as a foreign language have undergone many changes. Many of them have become accustomed to employing ChatGPT to assist their work, bringing many benefits and potential challenges that, to date, have yet to be fully tested in any aspect. Particularly, two notable research gaps involve how Vietnamese secondary school students use VoiceGPT, the Vietnamese version of ChatGPT, to assist them in learning new English words and how they perceive this support. The current case study aimed to address these gaps by employing a quasi-experimental design at Lam Son Secondary School in Ho Chi Minh City with the participation of ten sixth-grade students in two English-intensive classes. In this investigation, the teacher used the Presentation-Practice-Production teaching method to teach vocabulary to her students, who were randomly assigned into two groups with the same number of members in each group, and the data for analysis was collected from their writing samples and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that sixth-grade students had different ways of using VoiceGPT to help them learn English words. The participants with VoiceGPT assistance outperformed those without this A.I. support in terms of lexical performance in the writing productions on five topics surveyed. In addition, they expressed favorable attitudes toward VoiceGPT’s benefits, but some concerns were raised about login difficulties, vocabulary range, and long response time.

Author Biographies

Nguyen Hong Nhung, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Nguyen Hong Nhung obtained a B.A. degree in TESOL at Saigon University. She is currently an M.A. student in English Language Studies at Van Lang University. Now, she is teaching English at Lam Son Secondary School in Vietnam. Her research interests mainly cover Cognitive Linguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Teaching English Language Skills and Vocabulary, and Technology in English Language Teaching.

Nguyen Duy, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Nguyen Duy is an accomplished graduate of the Translation and Interpretation field in English Language at Nguyen Tat Thanh University. Recently, he is an English teacher specializing in Listening and Speaking and an English-Vietnamese translator. His research interests are focused on Translation and Interpretation, Language Teaching Methodology, Applied Linguistics, and Language Assessment.

Tran Luu Phuc Thinh, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Tran Luu Phuc Thinh had a B.A. degree in English teaching methodology at Saigon University. She is currently working at Dang Thuc Vinh Secondary School and VUS English Center in Vietnam. She is also an M.A. student in the English Language at Van Lang University. Her research interests consist of Theoretical Linguistics, Teaching Methodology, and Second Language Acquisition.

Tran Thi Hoang Nguyen, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

Tran Thi Hoang Nguyen possesses a bachelor's degree in English with a major in teaching from Van Lang University, where she is also pursuing an M.A. She is presently a freelance educator who works mainly via the Internet. Her main research interests are in Technology in Learning and Intercultural Communication.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, H. N., Nguyen, D., Tran, L. P. T., & Tran, T. H. N. (2024). Exploring English Vocabulary Learning of Vietnamese Secondary School Students with VoiceGPT Assistance. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 15(1), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.54855/acoj.241514

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