Teachers and Students' Perceptions of Using Digital Games in Improving Vocabulary at Non-English-majored Class





digital games (DGs); teachers' perceptions; students' perceptions; non-English-majored students; vocabulary


The use of gamification in education is of increasing interest. Numerous studies have explored various aspects of integrating digital games (DGs) into English language teaching and learning. This research sought to investigate teachers' and students' perceptions of incorporating DGs in improving vocabulary for non-English-majored students at Phenikaa University, Vietnam. This cross-sectional study was completed with a structured survey of 30 lecturers and 150 students, alongside in-depth interviews with some randomly-selected respondents from both groups. The findings revealed that these two groups of participants mostly shared positive attitudes toward DGs. The teachers were aware of the importance of DGs as a modern and appealing approach to teaching vocabulary; however, they were reluctant to use them frequently because of time constraints, distractions, and technological complexity. With regard to the students, most of them believe in the effectiveness of digital games as learners. However, they reflected that occasional class gaming-learning could be a more appropriate schedule. Contents that digital games can help most effectively with learning English tend to focus more on some aspects of vocabulary. The findings are of great value in giving educators and students a profound understanding of both the positive and negative impacts of using DGs to facilitate learners' vocabulary learning.

Author Biographies

Trinh Thi Hang, Phenikaa University, Vietnam

Hang Trinh is working as a lecturer at the Faculty of English, Phenikaa University. She started her teaching career in 2017. After earning her bachelor's degree at Hanoi University, she embarked on her master study majoring in TESOL& FLT at Canberra University in 2019. Her research interests include technology integration, new developments in pedagogy of language teaching and testing and assessment. 

Nguyen Minh Ngoc, Ha Noi University of Industry (HaUI)

Ngoc Nguyen is currently a lecturer of English at Hanoi University of Industry. She obtained an MA degree in TESOL& FLT from Canberra University and has 4-year experience in teaching English as a foreign language. Her research interests include teaching English productive skills, technology in education, collaborative and interactive learning. 

Tran Thi Thanh Huong, Phenikaa University

Dr. Huong Tran is at present a vice dean and a lecturer of the Faculty of English, Phenikaa University. Graduated from the University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS), Vietnam National University (VNU) in Hanoi, as a teacher of English in 1995, she has devoted her life to teaching English at some universities in Hanoi. She completed her research work for an MA degree in English language at ULIS in 2005 and her research career was continued with a PhD degree in linguistics at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU, in Hanoi. Her research interests include innovative pedagogy of English language, curriculum development and sociolinguistics of English and Vietnamese languages.


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How to Cite

Trinh, T. H., Nguyen, M. N., & Tran, T. T. H. (2022). Teachers and Students’ Perceptions of Using Digital Games in Improving Vocabulary at Non-English-majored Class . AsiaCALL Online Journal, 13(5), 112–131. https://doi.org/10.54855/acoj.221358



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