An Investigation on the Application of Wordwall to Promote Learner Autonomy in EFL Classes at a University




learner autonomy, perception, Wordwall


The use of game-based learning platforms has significantly contributed to learners’ improvements in autonomous learning. This mixed methods research aimed to investigate how Wordwall, one of the game-based learning platforms, promoted learner autonomy in an EFL class. To serve the research purposes, the study conducted a two-month experimental teaching, class observations, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that students showed their dynamic engagement, motivation and responsibility during their learning process. Moreover, students expressed their purposeful selection of learning content and learning templates aligned with their ability and preference, resulting in better learning outcomes. Most of them shared their positive and in-depth perceptions towards the use of Wordwall. However, the students still showed that some limitations of templates in the free learning platform and teachers’ immediate feedback cause certain hindrances to interact with this platform. Therefore, some pedagogical implications were highly recommended to help students mitigate some barriers and drawbacks, thereby optimizing the effectiveness of using Wordwall in the EFL class.

Author Biography

Nguyen Thi Lam, People's Security University, Vietnam

Thi Lam NGUYEN has been working as a lecturer of the English language at People’s Security University, Vietnam, for 10 years. She achieved a Master's in TESOL at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - HCMC National University. She has revealed a strong passion for scientific research in the fields of learning skills, Game-Based Language Learning, and learner autonomy.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, T. L. (2025). An Investigation on the Application of Wordwall to Promote Learner Autonomy in EFL Classes at a University . AsiaCALL Online Journal, 16(1), 159–177.

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