Community of Practice: A narrativized Account of a Full-time Multicultural Worker




Community of Practice, transcultural communication, transcultural challenges, transcultural successes, narrative inquiry


Working in an international context requires both resilience and flexibility. Every multicultural worker may face distinctive linguistic and cultural challenges but also have precious learning opportunities. This study was motivated by a desire to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of international employees through the voice of a worker currently engaged in transcultural communication. The research participant is a non-native speaker of English but is highly proficient. The participant obtains high-level tertiary qualifications and has worked professionally in her home country. Sarah is Vietnamese and has been working in Australia for years as a research fellow at a university. Data was collected through an elicited narrative, prompted by open-ended questions, and done in written form. The story was coded for transcultural communication topics, and then selected passages were chosen to showcase intriguing ideas. Findings indicated that one could achieve transcultural success in a multicultural working context by conquering transcultural challenges with huge support from his/her Community of Practice (CoP). It is also suggested that workplace CoPs play an important role in proceeding transcultural communication through social interaction between employees in a global organization, which results in transcultural successes.

Author Biography

Nguyen Thi Hoang Bau, University of Foreign Languages, the University of Danang, Da Nang, Vietnam

Nguyen Thi Hoang Bau received an M.S. in Tourism Management from Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, in 2015. and M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 2018. In 2016, she became a lecturer at the Faculty of English for Specific Purposes, the University of Foreign Languages Studies, and the University of Danang, where she got a Bachelor of Business English in 2012. She is the author of some local papers and a presenter at some international conferences. She has also tutored many of her students in doing research papers. Her research interests cover several aspects of tourism and linguistics.



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How to Cite

Nguyen, T. H. B. (2023). Community of Practice: A narrativized Account of a Full-time Multicultural Worker. AsiaCALL Online Journal, 14(1), 30–39.



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