An Investigation of Using ChatGPT to Personalize Student’s Learning Process in EFL Writing Classes
ChatGPT, Personalized learning, WritingAbstract
The application of ChatGPT has been considered a powerful tool to help students simplify writing tasks. Students have indeed utilized the benefits of ChatGPT to personalize their writing learning process more effectively, leading to the ultimate goal of developing writing capacity. The case study, employing both quantitative and qualitative research, aimed to explore how effectively ChatGPT promotes students’ personalization in learning writing. To achieve the purpose of the inquiry, the study utilized pretest and posttest analysis, documents and semi-structured interviews after conducting a two-month experimental teaching period. The findings revealed that students expressed their dynamic engagement and preferences with ChatGPT during their writing learning process. Additionally, students demonstrated their purposeful selection of ideas that suited their writing requirements and level. What was more, using ChatGPT assisted them in identifying various writing mistakes in terms of expression and word usage; thereby, students boosted up their critical thinking skills in adjusting and revising their writing better. However, the students still pointed out some limitations in receiving immediate feedback from their teachers outside the classroom. Therefore, some pedagogical implications were highly recommended to help students make full use of the benefits of ChatGPT in learning writing.References
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